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ANAVEO fire safety detects all risks.

As a leader in intelligent video surveillance and a reference in electronic security, fire detection is one of the pillars of our expertise. Essential for establishments receiving the public (ERP) or workers (ERT), our smart solutions help you effectively manage fire risks through the interoperability of our key activities: video surveillance, remote monitoring, and fire detection.

Illustration de l'expertise d'ANAVEO Groupe dans la détection d'incendie
système sécurité détection d'incendie pour établissement ERP.

Our definition of fire safety

Fire safety encompasses the measures taken to secure public-access buildings or establishments receiving the public (ERP) against fire-related risks. This obligation is regulated either by private control organizations (for ERP) or by the Building and Housing Code, which categorizes buildings (for ERT). Any building that receives the public and workplaces must comply with specific standards, including sales area, corridor dimensions, emergency lighting, and emergency exits.

According to the Labor Code, the responsibility for implementing appropriate measures to prevent fire hazards falls on the business leader. They are responsible for providing and maintaining fire-fighting equipment, such as alarm systems and extinguishers. Establishing safety protocols, displaying an evacuation plan, and training staff are crucial for fire safety and are the responsibility of management. Additionally, they must maintain a register that includes security audits and upgrades performed.

We detect fires and alert users to prevent accidents

An effective fire safety system relies primarily on its ability to quickly detect the onset of a fire. React without delay and enhance the overall efficiency of your security setup.


With ANAVEO, anticipate fire outbreaks.

Our proactive detection solutions ensure optimal protection against fires. We provide optical detectors that alert you in case of smoke presence in your business premises, as well as thermal detectors that trigger alerts when temperature rises.

Before each installation, we conduct a mapping of the site—a risk analysis. This step is essential for determining the type and location of each installed device.

Proper preparation allows you to benefit from an effective prevention method and facilitates interventions in case of fire.

Illustration de la partie "Voir" de notre slogan "Voir, Savoir, Prévoir.

Always-on alarm systems.

Reactivity is a crucial asset in the event of a fire outbreak. Our solutions include a fire alarm system made up of thermal and optical detectors, as well as a video surveillance system for constant monitoring to signal any fire outbreak. Installing devices on each level ensures that a fire can be quickly controlled, significantly reducing the risk of spread. A proactive alarm system is also essential for public-access establishments, optimizing the evacuation process when necessary.

Illustration de la partie "Savoir" de notre slogan "Voir, Savoir, Prévoir."

Manage the presence of fire, then analyze the data to prevent the event from recurring.

In addition to protecting your facility, effective fire safety should also optimize your business operations. Our fire safety system quickly validates the presence or absence of a fire outbreak. Customized to your situation, our devices help avoid false alarms and unnecessary evacuations.

Our interconnected intelligent solutions enable rapid doubt clearance and effective response through the integration of video surveillance, alarms, and remote monitoring. Video surveillance allows our operators to visualize the event triggered by the alarm system and act accordingly based on predefined scenarios, 24/7. Quickly communicating the location of a fire outbreak minimizes unnecessary disruptions and reduces losses in all ERP or ERT establishments.

Analyzing data from post-incident solutions helps you learn and uncover the cause of the incident. We continuously evaluate the effectiveness of our installed devices. Undertaking this approach is essential to anticipate fire risks and prevent future outbreaks.

Illustration de la partie "Prévoir" de notre slogan "Voir, Savoir, Prévoir."

Implement ANAVEO measures against fire outbreaks.

Our expertise in unified electronic security enables us to provide innovative technological solutions for all types of businesses. Our fire safety and building protection solutions are suitable for establishments that receive the public or workers, ensuring compliance with regulations. We implement systems tailored to each category of building and across all sectors.

AlarmConnect: Connected security

système de sécurité détection incendie connectée.

Unified security for ERP and ERT is one of our key strengths. Our interconnected solutions provide you with a unique experience in managing your company’s security. You can control all functionalities from our dedicated app. If you need to restrict access to certain areas of your building, we offer access control or line-crossing services. Our intelligent security system ensures a quick response from your personnel in case of intrusion or fire.

Complementary services and solutions for faster and more effective intervention.

Sécurité 24h/24 et 7j/7 grâce à la télévidéosurveillance.
Fire safety in warehouses is crucial due to the significant risks and stakes associated with these facilities. ANAVEO offers its full range of expertise, including video surveillance, intrusion detection, and remote video monitoring, to quickly identify fires in your establishment. Control the risk of fire spread swiftly with proactive intervention from emergency services.
système sécurité détection d'incendie pour pour le stock d'entrepôt.

Protect your warehouse inventory and prevent unnecessary losses.

Installing protection equipment in warehouses plays a crucial role in managing the flow of goods and people. These devices also safeguard inventory and sensitive areas, serving as the best prevention against all types of fires.

We protect you against potential losses:

  • Material losses: Damage to buildings, equipment, inventory, and vehicles.
  • Financial losses: Costs associated with repairs or replacements of damaged goods, loss of income due to halted operations, and potential legal costs.
  • Documentary losses: Destruction of documents, data, contracts, plans, etc.